King James Is A REAL King!

Lebron James said he is ready to “continue to build excellence” in Cleveland, both on the court and off. James said he is focused on helping his local community in hopes that will spark bigger change. “For me, to be able to go back into my community and have hands on, start kid by kid, block by block and street by street, and building that up, I feel like that helps us to make a change, ultimately, for the rest of us,” he said. And there’s even an initiative to help parents. “We have a lot of parents here that didn’t graduate high school,” James told Nichols. “So not only are we tracking our kids here to make them become better, we’re also lending a helping hand to a lot of the parents that didn’t graduate high school, and putting them in programs where they can get their high school diploma, and get a GED.”

Back in 2011, Lebron donated money for every point, rebound, and assist he recorded. Just so happened to be one of his MVP seasons. “In order for the organization to raise money for its free after-school programs, After-School All-Stars and eight NBAplayers, including LeBron James (Miami HEAT), Chris Bosh (Miami HEAT), and Chris Paul (New Orleans Hornets), created the Hoop Heroes program. Each player has generously pledged to donate funds for every point, assist or rebound they record during the season. Their donations will bring even more after-school programming to at-risk youth across the country.

‘The Lebron James Family Foundation’ started with the IPromise program at the Elementary level. About their program: “ Each year, Akron Public Schools identifies a new class of students that by third grade, have already fallen behind their peers. With research showing this is a critical time to intervene, LJFF wraps its arms around these kids and supports them with the resources, mentorship, and encouragement they need to stay on track to graduation.”

As the kids grow older they enter “IPromise Secondary”. About their program: As our kids learn and grow and change throughout their journey, so too, has the Foundation and its interventions. We’ve found that as kids enter middle school, the same interventions we use in the I PROMISE Elementary program may not resonate with the older students. I PROMISE Secondary is specifically tailored to the needs of our middle, and eventually, high school students, with its own LeBron Advisory Board (comprised of secondary teachers, principals, and counselors), curriculum, and PROMISE. Once an I PROMISE Elementary student enters I PROMISE Secondary, they remain a Secondary student through graduation.”
One of the most powerful things I saw while researching was the “message board”. It looks like Lebron posts messages for the students and families. One recent example (2/26/2018) was Lebron talking to the kids about being home. Read his post, it’s awesome and I think sends a great message that students and families all over this country should hear.

“LeBron James is giving kids from Akron — ones with challenging backgrounds like his — the chance to go to college for free. He has partnered with the University of Akron to provide a guaranteed four-year scholarship to the school for students in James’ “I Promise” program who qualify. The scholarship will cover tuition and the university’s general service fee — currently $9,500 per year. He plans to provide this for 1,100 kids, which would cost his foundation a total of $41.8 million at the school’s current rates. James, who often refers to himself “as just a kid from Akron,” giving back to a community that helped raise him. “These students have big dreams, and I’m happy to do everything I can to help them get there. They’re going to have to earn it, but I’m excited to see what these kids can accomplish knowing that college is in their futures.” “It means so much because, as a kid growing up in the inner city and a lot of African-American kids, you don’t really think past high school,” said James. The university is renaming its education department the LeBron James Family Foundation College of Education.”

In 2016 Lebron announced that he will donate $2.5 million to support “Muhammad Ali: A Force for Change,” an exhibit at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture. “I am overwhelmed by the incredible generosity LeBron James has shown,” said the boxer’ widow, Lonnie Ali, in a statement. “This exhibit will enable children visiting the Smithsonian to learn more about Muhammad’s work outside of the ring, particularly his humanitarian work and stance on social justice for all people. … I know that if Muhammad was alive today, he would be honored.”

The 26 Seconds campaign was launched earlier this year by State Farm in conjunction with the America’s Promise Alliance and LeBron James. Designed to bring awareness to the startling statistic that every 26 seconds a student drops out of high school, the campaign is aimed at teens 13-19. It asks them to be more (BMOR) than the statistic by committing to graduate.

Salute To You KING JAMES!